assistance for the elderly in Ecuador is limited and in rural sectors
absent in community assistance programs.
The " Foundation friends for the old edge", not pretends to assume a total
responsibility because of obvious reasons that are of exclusive competence
of the state organizations.
The studies about the process of getting old is a matter due to the fact
that in the quantity that people get older is less the number of healthy
Nowadays, people that reached 65 years, have a better health than his
or her ancestors. The idea of the old age, in its conventional but wrong
image of a "serious damage after the 65 years-old", can be applied with
major property to the population that surpass the 80-85 years old, that
principally is feminine since women had a high survival than men.
The care of the increase number of elder citizens and ill people force
to a great demand of the traditional systems to care the health, which
increase in an unequal way. When the old people presented more illnesses
and psycho - social consequences as a complication use more the medical
services and the social assistance.
A special attention to their necessities and to their functions can add
quality and years to their lives without increasing the costs.
We took the responsibility of making medical attention with modern equipment
and qualified personal as an immediately objective of social action, also
professional covering will be implanted in the rural sector with brigades
of integral health action.
It is important to associate the population health and community sanity
programs with debates, conversations, round tables and conferences with
the direct participation of the beneficiary population.
FUNDAMAN had strength the medical assistant for the beneficiaries with
the participation of important, acknowledged, and professional national
private institutions. Also with the signed of agreements about the use
of services like tomographies, radiographies, pelvic and abdominal screening
tests, bones radiology tests, blood, urine and other tests, etc., with
discounts up to 40%.
It is imperative for us to extend our medical attention with modern equipment
for the elder people in order to support the increasing number of elder
patients that demand an attention according to their requirements.
The demand of professional medical attention raises in number every day.