In the group of the people called of
the third age, exist an among of individuals who stumbled every time with
huge difficulties in order to faced the problems of the daily life and of
the constantly changing world.
It is more difficult every time to plan the entirely attention that those
people need because of the lack of accurate information about their identity
and their problems. The aged of the cities is a demographic process of a
complex ethnology but we do not have to forget that an important or endure
decrease of the fertility rate will be enough to have an older population.
That means, despite of the actual young structure, the population in the
development countries will start to get old and their process of aged will
be faster than the industrialize countries. Another important feature of
aged in the population is the reduction of the mortality in the second half
of the life.
Reasonable to suppose that when both factors add their effects, the population
gets older faster.
The migration of young people or the migration of elder people can accelerate
the natural aged of the population in a location or site.
Exists an accurate difference between the aged of an individual and the
aged of a population. The aged in the people is an irreversible process
that it is a consequence of the passing of the years. The knowledge about
aged in people depends on the biological, psychical and sociable processes
that resolve the growth, the maturity and the decline of the human being
in the environment that surrounds him or her.
It is indispensable make evident that every elder is a unique individual
that needs creative activities, intimacy and friendship moments in the appropriate
time. He has the right to be consulted and to choose everything that affects
his health and comfort.
Force to take into consideration the assistance of the elder people which
main purpose consists on allow the elder people to continue being members
of the society and recognize that being old is not an illness. Being old
is an exercise of an innate right of every individual.
A group of citizens aware of the problematical situation of the elder with
extremely good will and altruism multifaceted service sense take care of
the social responsibility, without profit purposes, with the creation of
the Foundation Friends for the Old Age, FUNDAMAN. FUNDAMAN is a recognized
organization with legal personae gave by the social and well being Ministry
of the Ecuadorian Republic, resolution # 1263 of September 19, 2000. Its
theme is:
Supporting plans and programs of social collective action in favor to the
elder with a humanist judgement and total responsibility of the current
and future actions. |